Monday 22 November 2010

Feedback from rough cut video (production)


What was good about it:
  • Lots of detail shots.
  • Appropriate match cuts.
  • Good use of location and mise-en-scene.
  • Change of costumes.
  • It was energetic and catchy.
  • The chorus was very well edited and also fun to watch.

What need to be improved:
  • The 'it's my time' sign was edited slower compared to the song itself.
  • Some of the shots were out of focus.
  • More attention to lip syncing.
  • Need to improve the editing by adding more cuts according to the beats of the song.

This is what our classmates opinions of the rough cut of the video:

"It was different in a good way"

"Very entertaining to watch as it was very energetic"

"The whole mise-en-scene was really good and the uses of locations, also the changes of costumes "

"The chorus is very catchy so it need to be edit more for it to look good"

"The last few seconds of the song doesn't looked well edited so it need to be improved"

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