Monday 20 September 2010

Music video analysis (research)

Music video analysis

The artist and video i am analysing is: Mz Bratt - who do you think you are

The narrotive of the video is that she is in a club and lots of guys are coming up to her trying to move to her (trying it on which results in gettting her number or blackberry pin). However she does not appreciate it when guys or anyone infact pull her arm. So she shows her frustration by walking off and sitting in many different places because so many man dem keeps coming up to her(so many guys keeps approaching her).


Grime electro. You can tell this because most grime artist are in london where this video is clear set with a club scene, graffiti and guys doing tricks on there bikes which gives it an urban feel. Also she is dressed in very urban clothing which suits the genre. Addionally the presents of other famous grime artist like Wretch 32, D double E, Donaeo, Bashy and a few others establish that this is a grime video. You can tell this is electro because of the beat and her vocals. The beat has electronic sounds not at all natural and the vocals seems to be syNthesis.
SYNTHESIS: not a natural sound

This video gives a very realistic view on females because in other genres like RnB they'd be all naked booty shaking and what not but in this video t
hey are fully clothed and they are not being dismembered. Even thought this videos is dominated by females they are not scene in a sexual way, they are seen as independant because she doesn't need to be with someone of the opposite gender to have fun. Additionally this video gives young adults a good look because even though there are alot of them which is normally seen in the media as being a gang and being up to no good, in this video they are just dancing and enjoying themselves without doing anything illegal. However in this video males are seen as a sexual preditor because throughout the video you will see a number of different males interacting with Mz Bratt.

Media language:

camera & mise en scene:

The scene opens with a close up of an iphone were you can see Mz Bratt invite on the screen by. The font is quite playfull and broken up which gives a urban look. The colours are white, light green, light blue and black, these are nutual colours not masculine or femining. So this tells us that the artist is not a girly girl but she't not a tomboy. Additionally the use of the iphone makes the video and the artist looks very modern because most teenagers and young adults these days has a smart phone. This is appealing to the target audience.
Furthmore there is a medium shot of the hamersmith and city line going pass in the opening so this establishes the setting. Also it's night time and there is a tracking shot of a line of people mostly young females around the age of 18-20 which is around the age of the target audience.
Also there are lots of close ups and medium shots of Mz Bratt to show that we are meant to identify with her. In a close up we can see she's wearing big hooped earrings the impact shows the lifestyle that she has which is urban. Media long shot we can see she has on a black sparking jacket,black top with pink writing, black jeans, hippy chain with the female symbole on it this reprsents that she is a bit of a feminist,diva and argigant in a way she's what males are in there videos. Also the fact that she is wearing all black which is associated with having power and authority adds to this. By having CU,MS and Ls of everyone including Mz Bratt gives a sense of equality and that no one is being dismembered. Mz bratt is represented again as being a diva because there are alot of long shots of guys talking to her but she has a lack of interest.

Throughout the video there are lots of rapid cuts which matches with the beat. However the cuts are not as rapid when Mz Bratt is on screen. So this shows that she is important and all the attention is on her. Also there are alot of match cuts on Mz bratt which again forces us to identify with her. Additionally when the men are in the frame the cuts are more rapid then females . This again gives the video a feminist view because Males are not giving as much air time as females which shows that this video is bias. The white lights that appears across the video gives a sense of superstardom. Also the connotation we have with white are purity and innocent, which contrast with that fact that she's wearing all black which represents power and unknown, so it gives a recognition of balance between mysteriousness and purity. Furthmore from time to time the video repeats bits of footage with even more rapid cuts to match with the beat. Also the manipulation of time on the male participants to illustrate there reation to the Mz bratt.

The dialogue used throughout this video is london slang which again establishes the genre of the music. This matches the target audience which are 15-25 which are the only ones who would understand the sort of languages she uses in her video. Also the beat matches the genre because its a upbeat and rythmic instrumental which matches with the club scene of the video and the target audience. Additionally the lyrics gives females a role model to look up to because t young females these days tend to be more open to having underage or just sexual contact with anyone and are easily influence by other artist who in there videos are dancing (wining & grinding) with boys in a sexual way.

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