Wednesday 22 September 2010

Music Video Analysis

The artist and video that I will be analysing is One Night Only - Say You Don't Want It.

The narrative to the video is that the lead singer George Craig is with the rest of the band, in New York, when George spots his lover. She seems to also be unsure about the things that he could show her/give to her, but she is indecisive as she tries to walk away from him. He persists and follows her around New York, with his band not to far behind, also implying "say you don't want it" and he'll go. Meaning, that if she doesn't want, what he'll show her "the plastic made dreams".  In other words, the narrative is George is singing to his lover to try and titillate her into joining him and his life of "big screens" and "the plastic-made dreams". He's basically boasting "look - this is what you could have". Singing in a breathy, icy tone, he sings about someone who "Talk all the talk with a poet style/Tongue like electric, eyes like a child", and who "Buys all your wives and the classic cars/Die on the front page, just like the stars".

The genre of this, is Indie Rock/Pop. This is shown through the style of the video. It is clean cut, the costumes worn by the band - Skinny Jeans, leather shoes, shirts, help to establish the genre. Also by Emma Watson starring in the video, you can tell that the genre is Indie or Pop as she would look out of place, say in a Grime video, as she looks like a private school type of girl.

In this video, the lead singer, George is chasing after the girl (Emma Watson), it shows another side to music and the way males and females conduct themselves. For example, If this was a metal video, then Emma would be dressed in a completely different way. In this video, the female may seem as if she's in charge, as the male is following her. However there are scenes where the band are laughing around as he leaves the girl and she just stands there looking cold, lost, venerable and scared. The video represents George as a hero, as seemingly Emma seem like a girl who is lost in the city, whereas he knows where he is going.

Media Language; Camera & Mise En Scene:
The music video opens with shots from all over New York city, this establishes where the video is set. The mise en scene shows New York city during the day time, with lots of people out and about. The shots then show the band playing, the lighting is softer and the sun is setting the background, suggesting that the day is drawing to a close. The mise on scene shows the band are playing on a rooftop or a skate park, it is hard to tell this as there is a very quick long shot, that shows the rest of the band, for a snapshot of a second. The shots are then directed at a girl (Emma Watson) she clearly is out of place, due to what she is wearing, which is; a big fur coat, black top, black trousers and black shoes. When in the other shots that reveal what the people of New York are wearing,; light colours. This suggests that there is something about her, which will be revealed a little later on in the video. There are lots of tracking shots, to make it seems as if we are walking with the band, the long shots make it easy to establish what part of New York the band are in, as they walk, however as it is dark, it is hard to tell. The night lights of New York, help to set the scene.
There is an upbeat tone to the video, as the shots change with the beat at the start of the video. There are lots of The continuous edit, sees the transition throughout day to night. There are lots of match cuts with the George and Emma, especially when they first meet, the way this is match cut, is perhaps humours to the audience. The match cuts could also perhaps to show the relationship between the two. The cuts have a slow pace, this is to show the audience the location.

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