Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation - Question 4

4. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have learned so many skills during the time my coursework, not just how to make a music video but as well as the idea of marketing and also working with different people.

I learnt a lot about teamwork, this is because at the begining I didnt know a few people in my group but I have managed to put my differences aside and work with them as a team in order to complete a good coursework. I have also learnt how to edit a music video as well as how to lip sync. Furthernore, I found the tutorial of how to use Photohop was very useful as I was able to make my digipak and advert.

Overall, I am very happy with how my music video turned out and have received a great amount of positive feedbacks from it. I am glad that I have chosen to study media at A-Level as I have learnt so many things that includes teamwork and as well as using different software to create a successful coursework.

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