Friday, 21 January 2011

Evaluation Question 4

This video shows many people's feedback towards the music video after the cinema screening. The people's reactions; they felt that the editing was slick and smooth, nice mise on scene, good energy from the artist, good use of props (the boards). One of the comments in the video (Beverly & friend) notes the use of props, the boards and they really enjoyed the little story, also Lauren commented on the motif of the circles that spin round behind the artist. During the cinema screening we got lots of clapping, laughter and excitement. The feedback that we got from people were mainly positive and they seemed to really enjoy the music video. One thing that was highlighted was that some of the shots were in soft focus, which ruined the whole effect of the music video however the mise on scene and the energy from our artist made up for things like that. Mostly people said it was good and entertaining, however a few felt some of the shots were confusing and they didn't get the music video.

This is a comment I got from my target audience, who have experience in media and who listen to this genre.
Darrell G: "I felt this video was good, but I had to watch the real one after as it kinda confused me a little. I think the use of the locations were really good, the fountains and that were really nice to look at. I think the guy in the video needs to calm down, I don't know if he's meant to be serious or not but it didn't seem like he was. It seemed like the video was a bit of a joke...I didn't know you liked this genre Tamara...."

Personally, I think that some of the shots could have been filmed better and definitely in more focus, I also felt some of the shots could have been smoother as they look a bit shaky. Also, I felt that the artist was too dominant in the music video and the sub stories weren't made that clear. The audience thought it was more entertaining than anything, I felt that the artist should have been a little more serious rather than how he was.

From all the feedback I learnt that sometimes the the way the artist acts in a music video, effects the way people think about it and which leads them to like a video for the person in it, not necessarily for the edits in the video. Also, to make sure that all footage is clear and when putting the footage together to make the story you are trying to portray is clear and precise. Another thing would be to know more about the genre you are doing, as this creates lots of problems when trying to research ideas for your own products, therefore doing a genre which you know well is more beneficial.

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